Friday, November 17, 2017

Building A Hemp House From Scratch


Hemp construction has become a popular trend in the cannabis industry and numerous hemp houses can be found in the UK, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Canada and some parts of the US. The materials commonly used are known as the Hempcrete, which have become one of the most popularly sought-after construction materials among the eco-friendly construction firms. They refer to them as the latest construction materials that are more sustainable for future generation.
Hemp is increasingly becoming a popular alternative for eco-friendly construction material, with numerous advantages including the exceptional moisture and temperature regulating elements, remarkably resistance to fire earthquake, and animal/insect infestations, soundproof, light, durable, easily recyclable, and environmentally friendly.
Hemp-plants are quick-growing and require few pesticides/fertilizers, hence making the process of creating construction materials to be simple and non-environmentally impacting. As many people start yearning for more options of owning a home, it’s not just about the sustainability factor but the desire to mingle with nature which many ready-built houses are not offering.
There are several factors one need to consider when building a hemp house:
  • The location (which will highly depend on the state laws, regulations, costs and availability of Hemp materials).
  • The budget (which covers the architectural fees, building materials, and the entire cost of construction).
  • Availability of Hemp and other construction materials (such as the Hemp-crete, timber, steel or concrete).
There are various construction companies or suppliers that specialize in Hemp houses, who should have almost all the materials you need for your house building or you can opt to mix the hempcrete materials yourself to cut down on the costs that may vary greatly depending on the availability and state laws.
As the cannabis industry continues to grow and hemp increases in popularity, the building costs are likely to reduce drastically and soon constructing hemp houses would become even more affordable in many countries worldwide. Hemp houses will turn our environment into a green and healthier one for everyone in the future.

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