Saturday, April 30, 2011

Should Cannabis Be Illegal? Check the Facts.

Posted on: April 29, 2011 11:23 pm on a comments section below an article about Janoris Jenkins' departure from the Florida Gators.

Jenkins: "No option" to stay offered by Muschamp. 

I’m not questioning WHERTHER marijuana is illegal or not, I’m QUESTIONING whether it SHOULD be illegal or not and whether people like this star player or anyone else should have their lives ruined by an unjust and unnecessary law.  Like I said this is the same law several of our presidents, many legislators in congress and about 100 million other Americans have broken. Any law being broken this often, which also CAUSES an otherwise law abiding citizen to be arrested every 38 seconds in the USA is well worth questioning, don’t you think? Especially when no one is history has ever died from the plant this law prohibits, it’s not addictive and it has NEVER been proven to cause ANY serious health problems whatsoever.

Let’s not forget that everything Adolf Hitler did was LEGAL and everything MLK did was ILLEGAL! Legal doesn’t always mean right and illegal DOES NOT always mean wrong. The: “it’s the law” argument is a moot point which I just completely debunked and proved has no relevance whatsoever in a discussion about whether or not this law and the harms it is causing should even exist.

to your assertion, we do in fact get to pick and choose the laws we live under. That’s exactly what the voters in 15 States and Washington DC have done by bucking the Feds on medical marijuana.

The stifling of rational discussions buy the anti-marijuana crowd has prevented the truth about marijuana from reaching the voters for far too long! Once they know the honest facts about marijuana and marijuana prohibition 80% of Law Enforcement that attend a Law Enforcement Against Prohibition presentation support legalizing. That’s not an opinion, it’s a well documented FACT, proven over several years of post presentation surveys nationwide and in many other countries. Since that large a percentage of law enforcement favor legalizing once they have the honest facts, there is no doubt even a larger percentage of the public will favor legalizing once they know the truth!

All the facts support legalizing, the only thing holding legalization back is the public not knowing the truth, but that is changing and so are the laws as the truth becomes known.

Why do you support decriminalization of marijuana and reject legalization? Decriminalization is a misleading term! It still leaves the entire marijuana TRADE in the hands of criminals, gangsters, terrorist and illegal aliens. Legalization on the other hand, will virtually end the black market marijuana trade, just like it ended the large scale illegal alcohol black market alcohol trade when alcohol prohibition ended and alcohol was re-legalized . When alcohol prohibition ended violent crime fell by 65% and alcohol consumption is KNOWN to CAUSE violence! Marijuana consumption DOES NOT cause violence, it never has and it never will!

Everything you posted about marijuana causing serious mental problems and EVERY OTHER claim you made or suggested about marijuana causing harm is pure HOGWASH! Marijuana does NOT cause “
psychological dependence”, what causes that is mental problems that are present in some people. Most commonly it’s attributed to what’s called “an addictive personality”. About 10% of the population has “an addictive personality”. Isn’t it amazing that about 10% of marijuana consumers are cited as having psychological dependence” to marijuana in virtually every study on the subject ever done! Marijuana does NOT alter personality, or change the chemistry of the brain cortex! The effects of marijuana are temporary and ONLY occur while under the influence. The endorphin centers of the brain DO NOT crave more stimulation to achieve a high, if they did that would lead to physical addiction which marijuana DOES NOT cause!

Marijuana consumption DOES NOT  CAUSE
attendant behaviors to become more prominent in the participant's thinking and conduct. Your claim that it does is pure hogwash! Regarding your claim that: “It outweighs all other considerations to the point where lying, cheating, or even stealing to get high don't seem quite so bad anymore.  Things aren't quite so black and white, morally, and loyalty to team, accountability, and self- control seem like square, old- fashioned sucker deals.” EVERY BIT OF WHAT YOU SAID THERE IS PURE HOGWASH! Marijuana consumption produces a very mild euphoric effect, no physical addiction whatsoever, NO loss of judgment or lack of morality or loyalty to virtues held prior to its use. Alcohol use can cause all those things but Marijuana use CANNOT! The ingredients in marijuana simply don’t effect people like you claim they do!
The so called “gateway theory” has been so completely debunked and for such a long time that I’m amazed anyone with even two brain cells to rub together ever mentions it any more. There is NOTHING about using marijuana that causes anyone to use other drugs. 100% of all the people that use cocaine, meth, smack and every other drug, also drank milk as babies! What does one substance have to do with the other? Absolutely NOTHING! What causes people to use other drugs is their own personal choice. The vast, VAST majority of those that consume marijuana never use any other illegal drug at all and that’s a well documented statistic… so much for the “gateway theory”!

If you can scientifically or medically prove ANY serious harm from consuming marijuana please post it! Just don’t post a bunch of anti-marijuana nonsense funded by anti-marijuana groups which contain words like “might, may, maybe, perhaps, suggests”, or data on marijuana use in conjunction with other drugs, or the ever popular phrase “we need to do more studies”. Marijuana is one of the most intensely studied plants on earth and it has been used SAFELY for THOUSANDS of years! The US Government estimates $113 BILLION worth of marijuana is consumed in the USA every year and that has been going on for decades. Where are all the dead, dying, mentally ill, zombies, with serious health problems that got that way from consuming marijuana? THEY DON’T EXIST!  

You said: “Look at the effects buying this garbage and consuming it has had on society.  Look at the Mexican border and see what your drug money has bought by way of corruption of government officials, murders, and gang infestation.  Tell me drug use is harmless.”  In the first place. Marijuana is FAR from garbage, it is probably the most beneficial plant know! You are blaming problems CAUSED by marijuana PROHIBITION on marijuana! When was the last time you heard of alcohol dealers getting into a shootout? I BET IT WAS WHEN ALCOHOL WAS PROHIBITED! Legal alcohol dealers certainly aren’t involved in murder and violence now are they?  

You said: “It's not a Mexican problem- it's an American problem.  Until we quit buying this poison and financing gangs and corruption, we have blood on our hands.  Think about that next time you're shotgunning a torpedo.” Again you misstate the facts! Marijuana IS NOT poison! It is nontoxic and one of the safest substances known! You and everyone else need to accept the truth and put the blame squarely where it belongs, on marijuana PROHIBITION! NONE of those problems you mentioned were CAUSED by marijuana consumption, they were caused by the violent gangsters marijuana PROHIBITION puts in business and funds with hundreds of billions of tax free dollars every year.

It’s an undeniable FACT that the vast majority of so called “drug-related” violent crime is caused by the PROHIBITION of drugs, rather than the drugs themselves. It was the same during alcohol prohibition. Alcohol prohibition created violent criminal organizations just like every other drug prohibition has. These violent crimes should be labeled PROHIBITION RELATED, not drug related. Ending alcohol prohibition is exactly why you don’t see shootouts over that once ILLEGAL drug TRADE any more. THE YEAR ALCOHOL PROHIBITION ENDED VIOLENT CRIME FELL BY 65%!
Marijuana accounts for roughly half of the entire illegal drug trade. Legalizing this one nontoxic plant that it is impossible to overdose on will take away HALF of all the illegal money that is funding ALL the illegal drug dealers! Marijuana PROHIBITION is causing VIOLENT CRIME over the illegal MONEY. Consuming marijuana is causing virtually NO harm at all! Even if there are some unknown medical harms from consuming marijuana, PROHIBITION has failed to prevent or even reduce marijuana use!

The proper course of action is legalization and policy that minimizes the harms under a legal market! That takes the violence created by the gangsters marijuana prohibition puts in business completely out of the picture because it eliminates their ability to make a profit.

An illegal market simply cannot compete with a legal market! In a legal market there’s not enough profit in the illegal trade, so the illegal trade virtually disappears completely and so does all the violence from the illegal TRADE. Alcohol prohibition proved this beyond any shadow of doubt!

If you think marijuana prohibition has anything to do with the imaginary, false, fabricated, alleged harms from using marijuana as a recreational drug, or if you think marijuana causes violent or dangerous behavior, or if you think science has proven ANY serious health problems from consuming marijuana, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED!

copy these links or bookmark this page and consider the information linked below when you have time. It’s all good information and most of it has very credible sources included. You’ll probably NEVER see any of this mentioned in the mainstream media and this is just the tip of the iceberg of well documented FACTS supporting legalization!

No matter where you stand on the issue of legalizing marijuana everyone should read: 



and  the free online book:

THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES, The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and The Conspiracy Against Marijuana.

Click the links to those titles on this webpage:
Internet Explorer web browser:   
ll Other Browsers:


Even Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain:



In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health. This game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the real science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant.
Great factual movie about marijuana and marijuana prohibition!
There has NEVER been even one case of marijuana causing cancer. In fact: "Harvard study released on April 17, 2007 shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread!"



National Institutes Of Cancer Website Recognizes Cancer-Killing Properties Of Cannabinoids





Watch Irvin Rosenfeld who gets his marijuana from the Federal Government destroy all the lies about marijuana consumers being lazy and unproductive. Watch him destroy all the lies about long term heavy marijuana use being harmful. Learn the truth about marijuana:

Listen to these high ranking narcotics officers expose the harms and waste of the drug war. Learn the truth about the drug war. It is a FAILED HARMFUL UNCONSTITUTIONAL UNLAWFUL VIOLENT WAR AGAINST NONVIOLENT CITIZENS: 

he World Health Organization Documents Failure of U.S. Drug Policies


Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality:

This is a great example of information the drug war prohibitionists suppress every way they can. If babies are getting natural cannabis like substances in mother’s breast milk, do you still believe marijuana is harmful at any age?
A false link between marijuana and mental illness



If you want a good look at how far the government will go to promote its unconstitutional anti-marijuana drug war message read this:


Watch this documentary about marijuana curing cancer! There are 7 parts, watch them all!

If you doubt marijuana is good medicine read: Granny Storm Crow’s List



It’s more like a library than a list!

“What about marijuana causing car accidents?”

The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine document that MARIJUANA DOES NOT CAUSE DANGEROUS DRIVING:

(read the article not just the link!)
Not medicine? Watch this and see with your own eyes!

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