Sunday, December 29, 2013

Industrial Hemp Commission to discuss legalization, drafts, working group efforts


Kentucky’s Industrial Hemp Commission will meet Monday, Dec. 30, at 1 p.m. in the office of Agriculture Commissioner James Comer at 111 Corporate Dr. in Frankfort. The meeting is open to the public.
Attorneys for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture will present the letters and other communication the state has had with the Justice Department on this issue, as well as communication between Kentucky and the Oregon Attorney General.
There will be a report from various committees including legislative, educational, staffing and public outreach. A draft of the bill to clean up the hemp legislation, a draft of the annual commission report and drafts of notices to entities with representation on the commission will all be presented. There will also be discussion of medical marijuana efforts and potential commission action.
The floor will also be open for members of the commission to discuss the latest news and developments in the hemp industry.
In other business, the commission will hear reports from groups working to develop hemp industries in certified seed, oil/seed and fiber. There will also be an update from Sen. Rand Paul’s team on his efforts and one from KDA Budgeting Director Steve Kelly on the hemp program fund.

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