
Hempco Food and Fiber Inc. (TSXV: HEMP) (“Hempco”) announced its February bulk sales total as $173k and Retail Sales total to $10k for a February sales total of $183k. This marks another milestone into the lucrative UK functional foods market for an enduring company that started in 2008 by introducing the hemp seed market to Canada.
In September 2016 Hempco launched its PLANETHEMP brand retail product distribution throughout Canada and the United Kingdom. Hempco has signed an agreement with Tree of Life UK – natural, health and wellness products distributors in Europe serving hundreds of retailers. PLANETHEMP product line is being presented to well known companies such as: Whole Foods (12 UK stores), Marks and Spencer (914 UK stores), Sainsbury (1,374 UK stores), Waitrose (350 UK stores) and Tesco (3,243 UK stores).
The recent financial results show the UK an ideal market to launch a phytonutrient-rich oil product with maintenance dose levels of cannabidiol (CBD).
Hempco capitalized that the emerging science on CBD and the medical marijuana push would bring the hemp market over the hump.
Hemp is most often associated with its close counterpart, marijuana. The two come from the same plant, Cannabis Sativa, yet the two are very different, as apparent by their use. Although the association between hemp and marijuana is false in nature, the increased interest given to the marijuana industry (due to the potential for recreational marijuana use legalization in North America) is a real catalyst for the hemp industry as well.
A major catalyst for both medical cannabis and hemp industries is the expected legalization of recreational marijuana use in Canada (and some parts of the U.S.). Canadian federal marijuana legislation is anticipated in April 2017 and an expected market opening on July 1, 2018.
CBD maybe one of the most important medicinal ingredients of hemp because of emerging research which shows CBD-rich hemp and cannabis products as effective in the treatment of symptoms of opioid dependency, nicotine dependency, acne, and autism to name a few.
But Hempco’s development path with hemp put it in position to take advantage of the vastly under-rated hemp market, especially as research show that cannabidiol, a non narcotic cannabinoid, is emerging as a useful molecule in the treatment of a myriad of medical conditions.
Hempco introduced the hemp seed industry in Canada, pioneering the first hemp protein powder and quickly establishing itself as world leaders in the innovation, manufacturing and distribution of the highest quality hemp food products including bulk hulled hemp seed, hemp protein powder and hemp seed oil.
Hemp has contributed significantly to our civilization for millennia. No other natural resource offers the potential of hemp. Hemp is well known as the longest most durable natural fiber on earth. It produces four times more pulp per acre than trees. Hemp seeds are rich in 1-3 ratio Omega 3 to Omega 6 Essential (body must have) Fatty Acids as well as a multitude of other chemicals that may contribute to the health benefits of the plant. It also has the highest quality Edistin / Albumin type complete and easily assimilated protein with all 10 Essential Amino Acids, and vitamins and minerals.
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