We are proud to be launching Young Farmers for Industrial Hemp – a new national grassroots effort, sponsored by the emerging U.S. hemp industry, to bring young people back to the farm using an "old crop with new opportunity."
We are collecting emails and letters from Young Farmers and Farm Families across the country to share with potential supporters of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017 in Congress. If you fit into either of these categories and are interested in sharing why you support hemp crops and how it can diversify your farm operations, contact us!
We believe hemp can play a significant role in revitalizing American agriculture, and in changing the demographic of the American Farmer. Consistent with a thirty-year trend, the average age of farmers in the U.S. has continued to increase.
Did you know the average age of the American farmer is 60? Unfortunately, there has also been a significant decrease in the number of new farmers entering the occupation.
In 2012, the number of new farmers who have been on their current operation less than ten years was down 20 percent from 2007. Considering Agriculture is a crucial component to our nations economy, it is important that measures are taken to ensure American farmers are given options to diversify their farming operations, and that younger generations are attracted to the occupation by these options.
Outside of farming, hemp has the potential to supplement several industries in decline. A number of end markets will be influenced by the crop and its multitude of applications. Not to mention, hemp creates renewable products that are better for us and for the environment, which is attractive to those looking to transition away from using un-renewable resources.
It is the goal of Young Farmers For Industrial Hemp to support Congressman Comer, and those involved in championing federal hemp legislation, by connecting with state representatives and sharing our experiences working with young farmers through the hemp pilot program. By doing this, we hope to educate Congress about the many uses and benefits of industrial hemp crops, while encouraging co-sponsor support for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017.
Following the passage of federal hemp legislation, our organization seeks to develop programming and resources to assist young farmers with industrial hemp production! We will share updates as this initiative continues to evolve!
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