The problems with only allowing hemp foods
Hemp seeds are a super food, Omega 3,6,9, vitamins, amino acids and good fats all in a from your body likes, it is going to be terrific for consumers to have another plant based choice which can be made in to a huge range of foods.
But what about foods and beverages from other parts of the plant specifically leaf and flower.
High value nutrition products processed from the phenols, terpenes, flavonoids in the flowering tops will not be available. No development work will be done in these fields, this will cost us dearly in being at the forefront of this emerging global industry.
So what can we do:
Hemp seeds can be used as an ingredient or made into 3 types of foods:
- Oil - max THC 10 mg/kg
- Beverages - max THC 0.2 mg/kg
- Any other product, extracted or derived from seeds - max THC 5 mg/kg
THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid in Cannabis. The other 60+cannabinoids are non psychoactive and the regulations accept that these are naturally occurring.
The unnecessary parts of the variation to the Food Code
- Having identified the problem as THC they have set limits as above. But they also voted to control other "safe" cannabinioids, especially Cannabidiol (CBD), the "Anti THC" cannabinoid. by placing a 7.5% limit on CBD, where will it end?
- No images of leaves or cannabis plants will be allowed in advertising only pictures of seeds will be permitted.
- You can't mention cannabis or marijuana or words with similar meaning.in your advertising or packaging
- Can't mention nutrition and health claims of CBD
The 80/20 situation
- The minister predicts a $20 million dollar industry for hemp seed foods, this is only 20% of the potential hemp FOOD industry which could be worth $100 million
- If the Australian prediction is correct hemp seed could be worth 1 billion with the total hemp food market being a potential 5 billion and that would just be the beginning for the Australasian industry.
Who Misses out
- Consumers in Australia and New Zealand who don't have access to the foods and supplements that they are demanding
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