Sunday, January 22, 2012

Let me grow what I want

by Werner Weber

I’ve been doing quite a bit of research on medicinal cannabis and alternative uses for the plant.  One thing is clear, aside from making the Muppets even funnier than it is, cannabis is an exceptional plant in every conceivable way.  I found countless stories of people who were essentially “written-off” by our western medical practitioners with ailments varying from chronic pain, sinus, multiple sclerosis to cancer.  Once they started using medicinal cannabis, this means not smoking it, but making juice, oils and other extracts of the plant in it’s natural form, their rates of recovery and remission in the case of cancers were actually quite phenomenal.  In terms of people smoking it, seeing someone with MS hardly being able to sit properly, light up a joint and then having a normal conversation with someone was quite remarkable as well.
We have seen that hemp, the low concentration THC version of cannabis, is also very useful.  It is essentially 36% natural protein with every amino acid your body needs, yet in most countries growing hemp is illegal.  You may however import it.  Hemp is also one of natures most versatile plants.  The fibers from the plant can be used for a lot of things, even making biofuel, which essentially makes it a carbon neutral fuel source.  It also pretty much grows anywhere in the world.  It is a far better alternative to wood in it’s uses as paper and even building material.  A house was recently built using bricks made from hemp.  Hemp also goes from seed to mature plant much faster than any wood and the carbon absorption rates are phenomenal.
So why is our governments so bent on making you out to be a criminal, when you have cannabis.  Their biggest argument at the moment is the “it’s a gateway drug”.  Which in the first place is a load of crock.  The only reason why it is a gateway drug is because dealers expose people to other stuff.  If it were legal to grow your own for your own personal consumption then there would be no problem with it being a gateway drug.  Cannabis is non addictive.  Cigarettes, alcohol and coffee is more addictive than the THC found in cannabis and also a lot safer for you.  You can actually die from too much coffee, you can not however die from too much cannabis, you can try but you’ll die from oxygen starvation to the brain first.
So I ask to the politicians, why not allow me to grow my own cannabis for my own use, whether I juice it, make an oil, make biofuel for my energy needs or (heaven forbid) smoke it.  It is for me and no one else?  Now you’ll say to me, but if we allow you to grow then you are able to deal, this is true.  But on the flip side I can buy normal household medication over the counter and make crystal meth, yet you don’t stop me from buying those do you?  I can buy petrol and make petrol bombs, but you don’t stop me from doing that either do you?  There is something you are not telling us, are you ashamed of admitting that you were wrong all this time?  Are you afraid drug companies are going to cut their funding?  Sure drug companies stand to loose billions, because people will be healthy, but that is a good thing.  People will always find ways to spend their money, so if the drug companies lose some another industry will spawn to take up that money.
So what am I saying?  What I am asking is, that as a mature, well educated society, how about we have a proper debate about the decriminalization of growing our own cannabis.  If you are caught dealing, well then the original rules still apply, for now, but if I am transporting a healthy growing natural plant, that can help friends and family overcome problems such as obesity, diabetes, chronic pain and nearly five thousand other ailments why not let me?  Give me one good rational argument please as I am going insane trying to figure out why you have your collective heads up your asses!

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