Research projects in 32 states are exploring industrial hemp’s potential. New York and Pennsylvania have 26 projects underway.
By John Vogel
Ross Duffield is excited about the potential of his newest crop plots — thickly planted, tall hemp. Drilled in early June, most varieties topped 10 feet by late July. Now, Rodale Institute’s farm manager is looking forward to harvesting the research plot, possibly in late September. And it’s legal!
Hemp may be an ancient crop. Yet its potential as a new crop is being extensively studied across the country since industrial hemp research was authorized under the 2014 Farm Bill. New York and Pennsylvania are two of the most recent states to permit research and development efforts aimed at making industrial hemp a profitable alternative crop.
Nationally, at least 32 states, according to the National Hemp Association, have projects underway, studying best agronomic practices, potential uses and end-user marketing. NHA estimates that the U.S. imports nearly $700 million in hemp products annually — mostly from China and Canada.
This year, the ag departments in New York and Pennsylvania are monitoring and studying closely controlled field trials at 26 sites with widely differing goals — some agronomic; some testing end-market uses. New York Ag and Markets and Cornell University are overseeing 10 permits in the Empire State.
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has 16 permitted pilot projects underway. Some are under the guidance of Penn State University and other universities; others are under private group guidance.
Some projects are exploring end-product food, feed and fiber uses for the plants, seeds and oils. Hemp seed yields of 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre are possible, says Penn State Agronomist Greg Roth. With good markets, seed prices of 50 to 90 cents a pound might be possible — even higher for organic hemp seed.
Hemp isn’t marijuana
While the plants look similar, hemp and marijuana are largely defined by plant tissue levels of tetrahydrocannabinol — THC, the psychoactive ingredient that makes marijuana a valued drug. Industrial hemp is high in fiber, but low in THC.
Canada and the European Union strictly limit THC in industrial hemp to less than 0.3%. That’s also the U.S. standard for hemp research projects. Marijuana’s THC levels range from 3% to 30%.
Proponents of legalizing hemp nationwide argue that new technology to distinguish THC levels both in the field and from the air will allow for adequate production enforcement. Currently, all testing is done via laboratory.
With low THC levels, it’s impossible to experience euphoria from smoking hemp. And it contains a greater percentage of cannabidiol (CBD), which actually blocks the marijuana high.
“This is a plant that can create jobs. It’s a plant that can create health and something that can really benefit future generations,” insists Duffield.
Back at Rodale
Duffield drilled this year’s hemp plots. The tall, dense canopy left little room for weeds to catch sunlight. Despite a wet growing season, he sees deep-rooted hemp and high seeding rates as a potential cover crop that seems to perform well without a lot of nitrogen.
Ag Department inspectors pulling samples for THC testing reported that not all hemp plot stands were as well-established. One reason, theorizes Duffield, is hemp seed can be “hard” — slow to germinate.
Next year, he plans to plant some hemp in 30-inch rows. But as Roth points out, “One of our biggest concerns is controlling weeds. No herbicides are available for hemp production here.”
So there’s still much to be learned about growing hemp — if and when it becomes commercially legal. There’s even more to learn about markets and competing against Canada and especially China.
Hemp resources to explore
One potentially valuable new resource is Industrial hemp from seed to market, produced by Cornell Cooperative Extension. Its back page includes 21 web links to production and marketing documents.
Hemp as an agricultural commodity, a Congressional Research Service report, is another good backgrounder.
My blog is dedicated to the exploration of industrial hemp in America including the rich history of all forms of cannabis, the evolving law and politics of hemp and marijuana, the many products made from cannabis and the capacity, real or imagined, of hemp to re-industrialize rural America and revitalize the American family farm.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Hemp building in Mexico on tap at IHBA

Steven Clarke

Steven Clarke
Natural builder and renewable energy advocate Steven Clarke will talk about hempcrete construction and sustainable energy for Mexico during this year’s International Hemp Building Association 2017 Symposium. The Symposium is Oct. 17-18, 2017, in Quebec.
Clark, who teaches construction and sustainability classes in Mexico, has worked with bamboo framing in combination with hemp and coconut as wall construction material. He is the owner of HeavenGrown.
A total of 17 speakers will cover such topics as technological innovations and research and test results on hempcrete component materials; a number of recent hemp construction projects will also be presented:
• Sergiy Kovalenkov, Hempire, Ukraine, will make a presentation about a hemp-built mobile tiny house he recently completed in in Baha California, Mexico and talk about the framing system his firm is using to make hempcrete domes.
• Gabriel Gauthier, ArtCan, Canada, will review hempcrete-based renovation projects carried out by his firm, which is host organizer for the Symposium.
• Terry Radford, Just BioFiber Structural Solutions Corp., Alberta, Canada will present a sustainable high performance building construction system with hemp that his firm has developed which offers major advantages in structural strength and energy savings.
• Dhiraj K. Shah, Shah Hemp Inno-Ventures (SHIV), Nepal, will talk about “Hempcrete for Evolving Nations” and present building and rebuilding projects his firm has completed near Kathmandu using locally-produced hempcrete.
• Sergiy Kovalenkov, Hempire, Ukraine, will make a presentation about a hemp-built mobile tiny house he recently completed in in Baha California, Mexico and talk about the framing system his firm is using to make hempcrete domes.
• Gabriel Gauthier, ArtCan, Canada, will review hempcrete-based renovation projects carried out by his firm, which is host organizer for the Symposium.
• Terry Radford, Just BioFiber Structural Solutions Corp., Alberta, Canada will present a sustainable high performance building construction system with hemp that his firm has developed which offers major advantages in structural strength and energy savings.
• Dhiraj K. Shah, Shah Hemp Inno-Ventures (SHIV), Nepal, will talk about “Hempcrete for Evolving Nations” and present building and rebuilding projects his firm has completed near Kathmandu using locally-produced hempcrete.
This marks the first time the IHBA event, now in its 7th year, is being held outside Europe. The Symposium, widely recognized as the world’s leading forum on hemp construction, is moderated by IHBA Director Steve Allin. Registration is still open for the event.
Hemp homes built at Shepherds Ground
By Belinda-Jane Davis
It wasn’t all that long ago that if you mentioned your joint was made of hemp, you’d have the police scrambling.
But things are clearly changing.
The house could be mistaken for stone, or even an elaborate paint job, but it has, in fact, been made out of industrial hemp.
And the advantages are numerous.
It only took a week to build the walls once the timber frame and roof were constructed.

Hemp builder Shane Hannan, in front of the first house at Shepherds Ground that he has finished with the hempcrete. Picture: Marina Neil
Dungog builder Shane Hannan is building four hemp houses at Shepherds Ground in Butterwick – the first eco village of its kind in NSW where people live in tiny, off-the-grid houses and collectively work the land.
Each hemp wall takes on the triple role of the exterior wall, insulation and the interior gyprock.
If that’s not enough, it’s easy to work with, quickly holds its shape, deters termites, is fire proof and boasts a long list of benefits for those wanting to cut their power bills and escape mould.
Research shows a 20cm hemp wall offers twice as much insulation as a brick home with insulation batts and will never develop mould, Mr Hannah said.
It’s also comes with a price tag that is similar to building a brick home.
“It provides a natural insulating barrier that is a breathable wall and it controls the air quality in the home,” he said.
“The oldest house in the world is in Japan and it’s made out of hemp and lime constructions – that’s about 300 years old,” he said.
“In Britain and France in the last 10 or so years it has really taken off again.”
Shutter boards are used as form work around the timber frame and the hemp, which has been mixed with the Australian Hemp Masonry’s binder, sand and water, is then poured in and compressed.
Mr Hannan said the hemp dried quickly and he could start removing the bottom boards at 1.2 metres.
A 100 square metre home will take six to seven days to finish.
“It comes out like a slightly damp porridge mix,” he said.
“You compress it around the studs to the sides of the shutter boards to form your wall and then build them up.
“Once you take the shutter boards off oxygen starts getting onto it and it starts curing.
“It’s very similar to a brick veneer house going up, the frame holds the house up and the brick goes up as an external skin.”
The curing process takes four to six weeks, depending on the weather.
Then a lime render is put over the outside to help protect it from the elements.
On the inside a natural sealer can be spread over the hemp, if the owners want to feature its golden colour, or a lime or clay render can be used. This variety of hemp does not have THC – a psychotropic cannabinoid which is known for making people high. It is grown and processed locally.
A hemp house built in the Byron Bay area has taken out the 2017 Energy Efficient Building award from the Master Builders NSW.
The hemp construction industry in Australia has been around since the 1990s.
Mr Hannan has been working with hemp for three years.
He trained with Hemp Crete Australia, Australian Hemp Masonry, and went to Wales last year where he trained with one of the big hemp builders in the United Kingdom.
He has already built a few hemp houses in the Dungog area and will start a few more later this year. He expects to build the other 23 tiny houses that have been approved in the later stages of Shepherds Ground over the next few years.
“I can see the potential for it. It provides the sustainability that people have been looking for,” Mr Hannan said. “There’s some good examples of hemp masonry in the UK where the people don’t need any heating or cooling in their house.
“The walls are a really nice golden colour too. You can see the herd that’s gone through and you can pick the different herds that are in it.”
Mr Hannan said building with hemp was also good for the environment.
“As the hemp is growing it’s taking carbon out of the atmosphere,” he said.
“When we put it in the walls with the lime binder we are still taking carbon out of the environment throughout its whole lifestyle.”
Minnesota's industrial hemp research and development program developing roots at organic farmstead here

A local organic farmer is partnering with an ag entrepreneur from the St Cloud area with the aim of bringing back industrial hemp as a major player in Minnesota’s alternative crop economy.
Industrial hemp has suffered under several decades of unearned disrespect and crippling regulations, but if the success of those working on its resurrection to be judged only on enthusiasm and energy it appears a promising venture.
Walking a harvested field of industrial hemp last week with Josh Helberg and Stefan Egan, their outlook is contagious. Pioneers wouldn’t be over-describing their attitude.
Hemp was harvested in this state in 2016-- for the first time since the 1950s. Approximately 40 total acres were cut at six pilot fields. One ag operator who participated in last year’s first fields was Josh Helberg, owner of Good Ole Hemp.
In this current growing season he affiliated with an organic farm operation outside of Taylors Falls, in a state hemp research and development pilot program that was expanded to 42 sites.
Statewide there’s 2,200 acres being grown, including the four and a half acre test plot at T Fall Organic Farm.
Applications from ag operators who may be interested in participating in 2018 through the state Dept. of Agriculture, will be ready in November.
MDA, under a directive from the legislative and an appropriation, created an industrial hemp research pilot program in order to study the growth, cultivation and market for industrial hemp. The Minnesota commissioner of ag wrote the program rules, determined the fee structure and oversees performance testing and other regulatory activities.
Industrial hemp was a traditional crop in the U.S. well over 100 years ago, but because it was erroneously associated with marijuana-- regulations made it virtually disappear as a viable commodity. Industrial hemp at one time was made into rope, woven into carpet-size mats, and turned into fiber for fabric much like linen, among dozens of other uses.
Industrial hemp is defined as cannabis sativa L. and contains barely a trace of the component that provides a marijuana “high.” Plant composition in the Minnesota program is limited to less than one-half of one percent delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinoid.
In short--it will not give you a buzz.
Over the past decades, Egan says what has happened to this wonder crop is a travesty. Industrial hemp is what farmers call ‘soft on the land’ and is actually good for the soil. And yet, animal operations are not allowed to use industrial hemp as animal feed, even though it provides beneficial omega oils and tons of protein.
Food-grade processing has been off limits, with openings only recently appearing with changes in regulations.
An organic mulch made of industrial hemp stem debris (called hurd), and sold in Europe as “Hemp Spex,” is restricted in availability here. There’s no reason it should be, Egan stated. He uses it abundantly under his organic tomato and pepper plants and can talk at length about how great it is.
Helberg explained he grew up on a dairy farm, and describes how industrial hemp right now is like being a dairy farmer in a world where there are no shiny chrome tankers traveling farm roads picking up milk, no creameries, no processors of ice cream or yogurt, or butter. Plus, you can’t even advertise some of what you produce.
But, if there is to be an industrial hemp economy again, somebody like Helberg is needed to connect supply and distribution. It also needs farmers like Egan who care about replenishing the soil and promoting crops that don’t need chemicals.
As a former member of an elite military corps, if Egan carried any value with him into this chapter of his life, it is the value of team work. “It’ll take everyone working together,” he says of this promising market.
Meanwhile, the research continues.
The pilot field here in Chisago County didn’t produce the results hoped for, which Egan will be the first to admit. His pulls up a stray stalk and points to the taproot important to healthy industrial hemp.
The mulch, however, is proving magical.
T Falls Organic Farm has contracts with restaurants and farmers’ markets to provide them with peppers, tomatoes and some herbs. Using the mulch this summer has reduced his need to irrigate by two-thirds, and increased yield.
Helberg has this quirky smile, as if he knows something you don’t and he can’t wait to tell you. He sees nothing but opportunity and thinks the timing is ideal.
An after-product he can’t wait to make available is hemp seeds. They are gluten free and full of fiber, and are ideal for snack food. They can used as “flour” for baking, as a salad topper, etc.
The weight to protein ratio in the seeds makes them efficient to eat and transport.
Helberg has big plans for a roasting facility for seeds and is active in a three-county food hub, near where he’s based in central Minnesota.
A local organic farmer is partnering with an ag entrepreneur from the St Cloud area with the aim of bringing back industrial hemp as a major player in Minnesota’s alternative crop economy.
Industrial hemp has suffered under several decades of unearned disrespect and crippling regulations, but if the success of those working on its resurrection to be judged only on enthusiasm and energy it appears a promising venture.
Walking a harvested field of industrial hemp last week with Josh Helberg and Stefan Egan, their outlook is contagious. Pioneers wouldn’t be over-describing their attitude.
Hemp was harvested in this state in 2016-- for the first time since the 1950s. Approximately 40 total acres were cut at six pilot fields. One ag operator who participated in last year’s first fields was Josh Helberg, owner of Good Ole Hemp.
In this current growing season he affiliated with an organic farm operation outside of Taylors Falls, in a state hemp research and development pilot program that was expanded to 42 sites.
Statewide there’s 2,200 acres being grown, including the four and a half acre test plot at T Fall Organic Farm.
Applications from ag operators who may be interested in participating in 2018 through the state Dept. of Agriculture, will be ready in November.
MDA, under a directive from the legislative and an appropriation, created an industrial hemp research pilot program in order to study the growth, cultivation and market for industrial hemp. The Minnesota commissioner of ag wrote the program rules, determined the fee structure and oversees performance testing and other regulatory activities.
Industrial hemp was a traditional crop in the U.S. well over 100 years ago, but because it was erroneously associated with marijuana-- regulations made it virtually disappear as a viable commodity. Industrial hemp at one time was made into rope, woven into carpet-size mats, and turned into fiber for fabric much like linen, among dozens of other uses.
Industrial hemp is defined as cannabis sativa L. and contains barely a trace of the component that provides a marijuana “high.” Plant composition in the Minnesota program is limited to less than one-half of one percent delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinoid.
In short--it will not give you a buzz.
Over the past decades, Egan says what has happened to this wonder crop is a travesty. Industrial hemp is what farmers call ‘soft on the land’ and is actually good for the soil. And yet, animal operations are not allowed to use industrial hemp as animal feed, even though it provides beneficial omega oils and tons of protein.
Food-grade processing has been off limits, with openings only recently appearing with changes in regulations.
An organic mulch made of industrial hemp stem debris (called hurd), and sold in Europe as “Hemp Spex,” is restricted in availability here. There’s no reason it should be, Egan stated. He uses it abundantly under his organic tomato and pepper plants and can talk at length about how great it is.
Helberg explained he grew up on a dairy farm, and describes how industrial hemp right now is like being a dairy farmer in a world where there are no shiny chrome tankers traveling farm roads picking up milk, no creameries, no processors of ice cream or yogurt, or butter. Plus, you can’t even advertise some of what you produce.
But, if there is to be an industrial hemp economy again, somebody like Helberg is needed to connect supply and distribution. It also needs farmers like Egan who care about replenishing the soil and promoting crops that don’t need chemicals.
As a former member of an elite military corps, if Egan carried any value with him into this chapter of his life, it is the value of team work. “It’ll take everyone working together,” he says of this promising market.
Meanwhile, the research continues.
The pilot field here in Chisago County didn’t produce the results hoped for, which Egan will be the first to admit. His pulls up a stray stalk and points to the taproot important to healthy industrial hemp.
The mulch, however, is proving magical.
T Falls Organic Farm has contracts with restaurants and farmers’ markets to provide them with peppers, tomatoes and some herbs. Using the mulch this summer has reduced his need to irrigate by two-thirds, and increased yield.
Helberg has this quirky smile, as if he knows something you don’t and he can’t wait to tell you. He sees nothing but opportunity and thinks the timing is ideal.
An after-product he can’t wait to make available is hemp seeds. They are gluten free and full of fiber, and are ideal for snack food. They can used as “flour” for baking, as a salad topper, etc.
The weight to protein ratio in the seeds makes them efficient to eat and transport.
Helberg has big plans for a roasting facility for seeds and is active in a three-county food hub, near where he’s based in central Minnesota.
The Many States of Industrial Hemp
By David Bush,Matthew Smith
Production and sale of hemp-derived cannabinoid products continue to expand across the United States. But the legal basis for the markets remains clouded in uncertainty. Cannabinoid products are often derived from the cannabis plant, some of which is still classified as marijuana, which was placed on Schedule I under the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Schedule I lists what are considered the worst sort of drugs: dangerous, with high potential for abuse and no known medical application.
The CSA recognizes certain parts of the cannabis plant are not marijuana and, therefore, are not on Schedule I. Excluded from the definition of marijuana are mature stalks, non-viable seeds, seed oil and residue of cannabis plants, and any products made from them.
The federal Agricultural Act of 2014 (“Farm Bill") further carved out an exception for “industrial hemp," low-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) varieties of cannabis that may be cultivated within certain parameters. States may conduct pilot programs of “market" research, which many argue includes processing and commercial sales. Amendments to the federal budget since 2015 have protected and affirmed industrial hemp grown for research from control under the CSA, and more recently, the transport, processing, sale and use of industrial hemp across state lines.
At least thirty-three (33) states established hemp programs or distinguish industrial hemp from marijuana. Eighteen (18) states have passed specific laws legalizing both the possession and use of products containing cannabidiol (CBD)—a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis—for certain conditions. While the laws in these states have much in common, there are subtle, yet extremely important differences.
Confusion remains over what it means for a state hemp regulatory program to be Farm Bill-compliant. Two of the leaders in industrial hemp cultivation are Colorado and Kentucky. They approach the growing, cultivation and distribution of hemp differently. Both states have been authorized to import hemp seed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and provide for registration or licensure by participants through their respective departments of agriculture, suggesting both programs are compliant with the Farm Bill’s provisions.
The CSA recognizes certain parts of the cannabis plant are not marijuana and, therefore, are not on Schedule I. Excluded from the definition of marijuana are mature stalks, non-viable seeds, seed oil and residue of cannabis plants, and any products made from them.
The federal Agricultural Act of 2014 (“Farm Bill") further carved out an exception for “industrial hemp," low-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) varieties of cannabis that may be cultivated within certain parameters. States may conduct pilot programs of “market" research, which many argue includes processing and commercial sales. Amendments to the federal budget since 2015 have protected and affirmed industrial hemp grown for research from control under the CSA, and more recently, the transport, processing, sale and use of industrial hemp across state lines.
At least thirty-three (33) states established hemp programs or distinguish industrial hemp from marijuana. Eighteen (18) states have passed specific laws legalizing both the possession and use of products containing cannabidiol (CBD)—a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis—for certain conditions. While the laws in these states have much in common, there are subtle, yet extremely important differences.
Confusion remains over what it means for a state hemp regulatory program to be Farm Bill-compliant. Two of the leaders in industrial hemp cultivation are Colorado and Kentucky. They approach the growing, cultivation and distribution of hemp differently. Both states have been authorized to import hemp seed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and provide for registration or licensure by participants through their respective departments of agriculture, suggesting both programs are compliant with the Farm Bill’s provisions.
While Kentucky provides licensures for purely research purposes, Colorado provides registrations for both research and commercial purposes. In Kentucky, pursuant to newly enacted legislation, licensees must specifically maintain careful records, which are used by the University of Kentucky for purposes of internal research. Kentucky’s project further details which industrial hemp materials are restricted to transfer or sale within a hemp pilot project as opposed to materials that are eligible for transfer or sale outside of the KDA pilot program.
Colorado differs from Kentucky in that the regulatory scheme more freely provides for the cultivation, processing, transportation and sale of industrial hemp, and products derived therefrom. Colorado hemp laws generally regulate cultivation and harvesting of industrial hemp plants whereas processing, transport and sales of industrial hemp plants and products are regulated by generally applicable state laws, such as food safety. Recently, Colorado’s state department of public health declared foods and dietary supplements containing derivatives of lawful industrial hemp are themselves legal, so long as the concentration of THC in such products remained at or below the legal threshold for industrial hemp plants. Colorado also recently established a citizen’s study group on the use of industrial hemp in animal feeds and is expected to issue legislative recommendations for authorizing hemp-based animal feeds.
Colorado differs from Kentucky in that the regulatory scheme more freely provides for the cultivation, processing, transportation and sale of industrial hemp, and products derived therefrom. Colorado hemp laws generally regulate cultivation and harvesting of industrial hemp plants whereas processing, transport and sales of industrial hemp plants and products are regulated by generally applicable state laws, such as food safety. Recently, Colorado’s state department of public health declared foods and dietary supplements containing derivatives of lawful industrial hemp are themselves legal, so long as the concentration of THC in such products remained at or below the legal threshold for industrial hemp plants. Colorado also recently established a citizen’s study group on the use of industrial hemp in animal feeds and is expected to issue legislative recommendations for authorizing hemp-based animal feeds.
To further complicate matters, several states put their own spin on how their legislation deals with industrial hemp. In West Virginia, industrial hemp is defined as all parts and varieties of the plant cannabis sativa L. containing no greater than 1% THC. This is different from most, if not all, other states that define industrial hemp as containing no greater than 0.3% THC. Newly enacted legislation in Florida authorizes universities to develop pilot projects in partnership with public, nonprofit and private entities but appears to only provide for commercialization of industrial hemp after two years of licensure under the pilot project. Missouri and Indiana are among those states to adopt specific legislation allowing for the use of CBD for certain medical conditions, though other states’ laws do not necessarily distinguish between “marihuana," CBD and/or industrial hemp on their face.
As highlighted above, the conversation continues over the specific activities authorized by the Farm Bill, both within certain states and across state lines, including to what extent the manufacture and sale of industrial hemp-derived cannabinoid products are contemplated within the Farm Bill’s provision for market research. Without clarification at the federal level, there remains ambiguity about the purposes for which industrial hemp may be grown pursuant to the Farm Bill. Opportunity in the hemp industry abounds, but with that opportunity comes attendant risk and uncertainty in a changing legal and institutional environment. Market participants are encouraged to consult with knowledgeable legal counsel.
As highlighted above, the conversation continues over the specific activities authorized by the Farm Bill, both within certain states and across state lines, including to what extent the manufacture and sale of industrial hemp-derived cannabinoid products are contemplated within the Farm Bill’s provision for market research. Without clarification at the federal level, there remains ambiguity about the purposes for which industrial hemp may be grown pursuant to the Farm Bill. Opportunity in the hemp industry abounds, but with that opportunity comes attendant risk and uncertainty in a changing legal and institutional environment. Market participants are encouraged to consult with knowledgeable legal counsel.
Learn more about the regulations governing the hemp and the CBD industry from cannabis attorney Bob Hoban during The State of CBD in Dietary Supplements Panel on Thursday, Sept. 28 at 2 p.m. at SupplySide West in Las Vegas. The Panel is underwritten by Next CBD.
Hemp Oil Vs Cannabis Oil – Major Differences, Uses & Effects?

Most people still think cannabis and hemp are identical. It’s a simple mistake as most government issued articles or similar pieces of information give misleading information about the subject. The topic has been hot in recent years and covered by a multitude of organizations. However, there is a massive lack of information regarding the subject by professional and government institutions.
Even though both hemp and cannabis come from the same source, cannabis sativa, they still vary greatly. The topic of Hemp Oil Vs Cannabis Oil has been debated for years, but this article is going to clear some very serious topics for those of you wondering what the difference really is. If you’ve been wondering, then this is the right article for you to be reading right now.
So, What Exactly Is Hemp and What Is Cannabis?
Hemp and Cannabis are commonly mistaken for being the same thing. But they are in fact very different from each other. The words are used interchangeably a lot of times, but this is the completely wrong and they are similar but very different.
Hemp is an industrialized plant. It doesn’t have any of the active chemicals that get you high or alter your state of mind, physiology, etc. It is primarily used commercially for its stalks and seeds. Primarily it’s used as a food source or to create a powerful substance used in plastics and fabrics as well as for medicinal purposes and beauty products. Even materials used for construction, paper and auto parts are often derived from hemp.
Other uses Hemp is often harvested for are in the realm of textiles, animal products and even new organic bio-fuels. To be classified as hemp, the plant must contain less than .03% THC which is the powerful psychoactive drug that has mind altering effects. Having less than .03% THC makes hemp classifiable as an industrial plant that can be used for making goods.
Hemp is also a highly fibrous food source used and found in many health food stores. Canada allows a .03% percent level of THC to be classified as hemp whereas the USA dictates that hemp is completely free from of any portion of Cannabis Sativa with no psychoactive ingredients except when defined in certain exceptions.
Now, on the other side of the spectrum we have Cannabis Sativa. Which is reared in a way that produces a flowering plant that contain buds with resinous glands and are specifically cultivated for their pain alleviating effects and have medicinal value for a host of different diseases, conditions and ailments.
Cannabis Sativa is also the plant that contains high levels of THC that bring extreme mind-altering effects and are not commonly cultivated or harvested on a commercial level.
What is the History of Hemp?
It’s been around since primordial times. Various civilizations like the Chinese and the Turks cultivated the plant and used if for many reasons. There is a very strong possibility that Hemp is the oldest plant grown by man. It’s likely it has been grown, cultivated and harvested for as many as 12,000 years.
A professor at the University of Kansas, Barney Warf even went on to say that it was first grown in Asia thousands of years ago and has since found its way across the entire world. In most cases it’s used for medicinal purposes or spiritual growth. Cannabis has also been used across many cultures for pain relief. Even the Vikings and Germanic tribes used it to treat tooth pain and childbearing.
The plant is now going through major change. And being revered as one of the best ailments for treating pain associated with terminal illnesses like cancer. It’s flowering in popularity and industrial institutions across the planet are using it. It’s also starting to become legal in many states in the U.S. and has already grown in freedom of use in countries like Canada.
Some countries, particularly those in Southeast Asia and the Western Asia still see it as an even plant and carry severe penalties for anyone who is apprehended using or possessing the plant. They claim it is a gateway drug to evil and violence, and one of the largest contributing factors to a growing crime rate.

How Many People Use Cannabis and Hemp?
The question is hard to answer. It’s known for sure there is a wide range of people using cannabis and hemp. There is a gap however, that could be the result of different laws and restrictions varying on a state to state or country to country basis. Many places prohibit the use of Marijuana because it being a narcotic like substance.
At current estimations, including those who use cannabis illegally, it’s likely more than 147 million people worldwide use cannabis or hemp. Which means over 2.5% of the world’s population use the drug or its counterpart hemp.
This is a fairly high rate of people who use the substance. Especially when compared to that of those who use cocaine which is only about .2% of the world and the same can be said about opiate users. The same study that dictates these numbers also has shown cannabis is the most widely cultivated and trafficked illicit drug in the world.
A study in the United States proved that people 2.4 million people 12 or older had used marijuana for the first time within the last 12 months. Which means there are over 6,600 people day, in the United States who are using marijuana for the first time.
Hemp is facing a lot of controversial attention in many countries and is used much more than cannabis. As of now, Hemp is cultivated in nearly 30 countries worldwide so it is being used by a low more users than it had been in previous years.
How Is Hemp Used on a Regular Basis Around the World?
Both hemp and cannabis can be used for medicinal and industrial uses. Many foods people consume today use one or the other and many people have no idea. Both plants are used in the manufacturing of foods, clothes and even tools used for construction and carpentry. Besides those uses, bio-fuels are being developed out of hemp and cannabis. Even substances like ethanol and methanol are being made from both plants.
It's a good thing because substances like bio-diesel created from hemp are much cleaner when mixed with air. To make it clear however, Hemp is ideal for the industrial complex and cannabis for the medical field. Cannabis simply does not have the qualities hemp does to create a strong product like that of hemp.
On the other hand, Cannabis is ideal for being used in the medical field because it hosts a range of beneficial properties not found in the substance of hemp. It has even been known to treat migraines and other disease like caners that have been considered to be incurable.
Are Cannabis and Hemp the Same Thing?
Yes and no, they both come from the same genus Cannabis. But are not exactly the same thing. There are many different species of both and there are numerous species of both that fall into the same species cannabis sativa.
But they are similar enough to call them the same. There are too many aspects and too many differences in chemical structure to call them the same. Basically, hemp and cannabis are two different substances that come from the same lineage.

What Makes Them Different?
Even though they come from the same past, the same background and are very closely related, they are very different in their function. Hemp works very well for the functionality on a completely tangible level. Cannabis on the other hand works very well to help with mental disturbances and physical pain.
If you want to understand it on a more plant to plant level there are serious differences. They can even be seen by the naked eye. For example, hemp can grow upwards of 15 feet and cannabis is likely to exceed 5-6 feet in height. Hemp is also much taller with tree like stalks whereas cannabis is short and looks more like a bush. There are also a lot of buds on cannabis vs hemp which looks much leaner.
Hemp is also strong. The materials and substances used in Hemp are strong enough for building. They can be used for construction, carpentry and other similar industries. Cannabis is not on the same level. It cannot be used to build in construction like hemp is.
Hemp also has a harder time growing in different areas then Cannabis does. Hemp needs superior loamed soil with no acid whereas cannabis can grow in nearly any type of soil. The physical differences between the two on a chemical level is very different as well.
Hep and Cannabis have two very similar components. THC and CBD. THC is the one the help hemp grpw. And is one of the most powerful psychoactive chemicals on the planet. CBD is more used for medicinal purposes and doesn’t have psychoactive properties like THC does. It’s used throughout society and by many people who have a lot of influence in different levels of society.
Hemp only has about .03% THC content whereas THC content in cannabis is 8-27%. Cannabis also has a lot less CBD also. Hemp oil that contains more CBD is used more widely than that of Cannabis because it’s powerful medical properties.
What’s the Difference On a Legal Level?
Cannabis and Hemp are under constant scrutiny by the US DEA regulations. There are several arguments about people looking to put both of the substances down. It’s very difficult to get either of the substances legalized in many countries across the world. Most countries want nothing to do with the either Hemp or Cannabis.

They’re both scheduled in the United States because they contain THC. Even though the THC content in Hemp is less than .03%. Cannabis is still legal in many states like California, Washington and Colorado. And not just for medicinal use but for Legal uses only.
Both Hemp and Cannabis are also used and grown across the world as well in places like Australia, Denmark and Canada. There are 32 states that have put laws into place to authorize hemp research and create a safe place for people to grow hemp.
It all came from the powerful bill in 2014 that permitted the cultivation and agriculture of hemp from higher education systems. Besides the United States, there are only a few countries that support the growth of hemp. Some of these countries includes European Countries and countries like China and Canada.
It’s still hard though because of the legalization in countries surrounded around hemp. A lot of countries still consider hemp and cannabis on the same level. Regardless of the medical functions, there is still a lot of negative stigma around hemp and cannabis.
Luckily in many countries, Hemp is a major food source. It’s a plant used for food oil and fiber and THc containing plants like Cannabis are grown for a more medicinal purpose. When it comes to cannabis only a small portion of the plant is used when compared to Hemp. The resin in THC is the primary element that is used when compared to the Hemp version of the genus.
You can definitely find the chemical on cannabis all over the plant, but the sprouts, buds and flowers carry most of the chemicals. It’s the chemical that makes the plant illegal.
The hemp version on the other hand, is much tougher and makes it harder for splitting that so the plant is designed to be much more widely used for industrial used. It’s easy to distinguish between the two plants however. Cannabis is always easier to see because the shortness of the bush vs. the much taller hemp plant.
Practical Uses for Each
Cannabis and Hemp are similar but have widely different effects. Depending on the need of the user, one or the other has the desired the effect. If going for the medicinal purposes, cannabis containing THC is more widely used for pain killing purposes vs. hemp which is used primarily for industrial purposes. Hemp is good for people needing to relax without having the powerful psychoactive effect.
Cannabis on the other hand is ideal for recreational use, getting high and relieving the effects of pain. They both have a very powerful and useful effect depending on the needs of the user.
Can Hemp Be Used as a Treatment?
Some think hemp and cannabis are dangerous. But that is depending on where you are in society. There are medicinal purposes for both of the substances depending on who you talk to.
Cannabis has showed to be a potential cure for many different diseases and Hemp has countless industrial uses. Whether it’s headaches or anxiety, the substances in Hemp and Cannabis are beneficial for people suffering from these ailments.
Hemp Oil Vs Cannabis Oil Conclusion
Whether it’s hemp or cannabis, there is a lot of major differences between the two. It’s hard to tell between the two if you don’t know but the properties are different. Hemp is basically ideal for industrial purposes and cannabis for medicinal purposes.
The THC Content between the two is one of the major differences. And regardless of the difference, both have very powerful strengths that can be used to improve people’s lives.
The main aspect to focus on is that both hemp and cannabis can be used to help people from a medical standpoint and industrial standpoint.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Finding a market for hemp: More than 2,000 acres planted in Minnesota this year
By Carolyn Lange

WILLMAR — A growing market for industrial hemp as food, fiber and nutraceuticals is gaining ground in west central Minnesota and could find a place in Kandiyohi County.
There's at least one field of hemp planted this year in Chippewa County and a food-grade processing facility is being established in Olivia.
Yes. It is legal.
And, no, industrial hemp is not intoxicating.
"You can't get high from it," said Andrea Vaubel, Minnesota assistant commissioner of agriculture. "The THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) level is so low, we'd like to say you'd have to smoke a whole field and all you'd get is a headache," she said.
Even though industrial hemp and medical/recreational marijuana come from the same plant species, Cannabis sativa L., they are very different.
Educating the public about those differences is an important step in securing a strong market for hemp products, Vaubel said.
Hemp on the farm
Currently, Canada has the corner on the hemp production and processing market.
The U.S. is missing out on a viable market, Vaubel said.
"It's a great way for farmers to diversify and get in on the ground floor," she said. "We'd like to see the state invest and grow the industry."
Thanks in part to a pilot project for hemp that was included in the 2014 farm bill — and a climate conducive to growing hemp — the number of acres of industrial hemp grown in Minnesota has grown dramatically in the last two years.
In 2016 there were 47 acres of hemp planted on seven farms in the state. This year there are 2,100 acres of hemp planted on 42 farms.
According to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, there is a 101-acre field of hemp being grown in Chippewa County.
Now, hemp processing plants are starting to emerge.
A facility in Olivia, which will produce items such as hemp flour, organic roasted hemp hearts — a popular snack food — and a cold-pressed hemp oil used in cooking, will be one of the first in the state.
There's currently one hemp seed processing plant in North Dakota.
With hopes that the market potential for farmers and processors will continue to grow, the Ag and Renewable Energy Committee of the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is exploring ways to provide a local market niche for industrial hemp.
Committee member Kim Larson said the group has not been involved with securing a major value-added ag project in the county since Bushmills Ethanol landed in Atwater. He is encouraging the committee to explore opportunities for industrial hemp production and processing.
Because of the rapid growth of hemp field production, Larson said it's important to be ready to respond on the value-added end.
"Ten years from now is not the time to build a plant," Larson said. "We don't want to be on the cutting edge, but we don't want to be on the bleeding edge either."
Hemp in Olivia
Scott Tersteeg, who farms and operates Beaver Creek Transport in Olivia with his brother, Randy, planted 400 acres of organic hemp this year on a field near Crookston.
Tersteeg teamed up with another hemp grower, John Strohfus, from Minnesota Hemp Farms Inc. in Hastings, to get a processing facility running at Tersteeg's warehouse in Olivia.
Tersteeg and Strohfus made a presentation earlier this summer to the EDC's Ag and Renewable Energy Committee about the challenges and rewards of growing hemp and their plans for processing hemp seeds in Olivia.
Strohfus said Olivia is a good location because it will provide an outlet for hemp producers from Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota and Iowa.
He said they intend that Kay's Naturals in Clara City will package their food products.
Because a food and oil process facility is already planned for Olivia, the EDC committee may explore options for processing hemp fiber.
Hemp fiber can be used for hundreds of different textiles and products. Currently, the closest hemp fiber processing facility is in Nebraska.
"We'd certainly be willing to jump into that if there was a market for it," said Connie Schmoll, business development specialist with the EDC. "We want to assess and research and find out what can be utilized in our community."
Strohfus said there's a risk that the supply of hemp products may be greater than the demand.
He said groups such as the EDC's ag committee can help enhance the market by educating the public about healthful consumption and use of hemp products.
"Hemp is not marijuana. It's a safe food product to eat," Strohfus said. "You won't fail any drug tests."
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